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The Ghosts of Delhi

The Ghosts of Delhi

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The Ghosts of Delhi

From a thrilling cricket match to a desperate fight for survival, this story captures the essence of fear, courage, and the power of unity to fight Ghosts. Writes Shreejit Jha.

Ghosts are a subject of interest for many, but for me, it was always something rather peculiar. I’d always feel a bit spooky when it was dark, but the feeling would magically disappear in the light. So, the presence of their absence or the absence of their presence remained a matter of doubt until the incidents of that horrific night.

It was one of those summer days when the sun simply refused to dip below the horizon until as late as 8 in the evening. The heat in Delhi is truly something else—I mean, can you believe the mercury rises to 48 degrees? With such hostile weather, we were compelled to stay indoors until sunset. Only then could we venture out to play, and thankfully, the grounds of block six were well-lit.

One evening, around half past ten, my friends and I gathered on the block six ground for an exhilarating cricket match. I was batting, and as soon as the ball left the bowler’s hand, I knew it required a cover drive. I executed the shot perfectly, and the ball crossed the boundary line, rolling towards the basement of the building. I was thrilled to have scored a six, but my joy was short-lived as I realised I’d now have to retrieve the ball. We had a rule that whoever hit the ball into the basement had to fetch it themselves.

I trudged towards the basement, and just my luck, the lights went out as soon as I reached the steps. Recalling all the terrifying stories my friends had shared, I bolted as fast as I could. Once the power was back, it was time for me to head down again. Thankfully, my friends decided to join me this time—all except three. Adi announced, “Me, Tanisque, and Samarth aren’t going with you lot. We’ll stay here and wait.”

So, the four of us made our way down to the basement. We found the ball quickly enough, but then a frightful noise caught our attention. It was coming from the darkest corner of the basement. We started running for the exit, but Duggu tripped. I tried to help him up, but Arav and Netex grabbed my hands and pulled me out. “We’ve left Duggu behind!” I exclaimed.

“Oh my, we didn’t notice he was left behind! I told you to hold his hand,” Netex said angrily.

“Yes, Netex told you to hold his hand,” Arav echoed.

“I didn’t hear that,” I retorted, and what followed was a heated argument that got us nowhere. Eventually, we decided to go back to the basement. But as we reached the entrance, to our relief, Duggu emerged, shouting, “Run, run! Two ghosts are after me!”

“Are you sure, Duggu?” Tanisque asked.

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“What? Do you think I’m joking? Of course, I’m sure!” Duggu yelled, and then we saw them—two spectres right in front of us. We scattered in different directions. Arav, Adi, Netex, and I ran to the right, while Duggu, Samarth, and Tanisque dashed to the left. The ghosts were momentarily confused, and we reunited shortly after. But to our horror, the ghosts reappeared in front of us. We started running again, but my dash was interrupted when a knife, thrown by one of the ghosts, struck my hand. I felt the blood but didn’t stop running.

I don’t know how long we ran, but after a while, I saw Adi pointing towards a temple. We rushed inside and felt safe at last. For the first time, I examined the wound on my hand; it was deep and extremely painful. We offered our prayers and headed back to the block. As we reached the third floor by the stairs, we saw the ghosts again. We rushed back down and jumped from the balcony, where we found ten torches.

Armed with the torches, we were ready for the monsters. As soon as we saw them again, we switched on the torches, shocking the ghosts, who disappeared only to reappear with knives. But now we were prepared; we caught the knives and threw them back at the ghosts. Soon, the place was awash with blue blood. Duggu, Tanisque, Netex, and Samarth were injured in the process, but we fought back with all our might. Arav and I hurled various objects, but they seemed to have no effect on the shadows. Finally, we defeated them with the light from our torches, which Arav and I directed at them. The battle was won, and we returned home at 2 a.m.

So, that’s how we saved our lives on that frightful night from those dangerous ghosts. That night, we realised the power of unity and the importance of sticking together in times of distress. When we narrated the whole incident to our parents, they didn’t believe us, but we children know the reality that will forever stay in our memories.

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