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The Flight of Love

The Flight of Love

Trinity Rai
The Flight of Love

Trinity Rai narrates this fictional story of Kriti, a renowned lawyer in Gangtok known for her sharp wit and impeccable style, who faces a heart-wrenching decision to leave her love for a distant land.

Kriti was one of the best woman lawyers in Gangtok. She was extremely dedicated and used to love her work.

Just thirty-three, she was known for her ‘pat’ replies to her opponent lawyers, who never seemed to get the better of her wit. And she was also a perfectionist, to the extent of getting her lip colours to match her clothes for the day (out of court, that is). And her dimpled face and large, brown, hazel eyes highlighted by just that hint of a kohl lining often seemed to have a softened, knee-knocking impact on rival men in their black coats.

In short, she was a force to reckon with, admired even by her enemies. Kriti rose fast in popularity due to her sheer hard-work and her ‘never-say-die’ tenacity.

Now sipping her coffee at the plush restobar at Bagdogra Airport, she was leaving it all behind, and though it tore her apart, she knew it was for the best.

One cannot have everything in the world. She heaved a sigh and looked at the passengers walking up and down.

Her mind went back to the day she had first met her soul mate, Tashi, a stunner. She was an artist by profession and the most beautiful woman Kriti had ever laid her eyes on.

They had first met at a book launch at Rachna Books in Development Area, upmarket Gangtok, and the attraction was synaptic and mutual. Kriti had felt that in her heart, though she had been cautious to approach.

She had finally come out a year ago, when she gave a bold interview to Sikkim Express expressing the truth that she was both happy and gay and proud to be what she was.

She had many friends, both male and female. She already had had three relationships: one with a woman from Delhi, and two with foreigners. But presently, she was single, she revealed when asked by the reporter.

Coming out openly in Sikkimese society, she was met with mixed reactions.

The younger generation was more open towards her: ‘she ought to have her choice’, they rallied behind her. But the older ones were simply derisive (“Oh what has Sikkim society come to!”)and labelled her as mad, disillusioned, attention-seeking and weird.

But even her young supporters failed to understand that it was not as if she was making a choice. She’d been like that. For instance, she had never played with Barbies; she was seen chasing boys in the playfield and climbing trees; and she disliked wearing girlie dresses. Pink had never been her colour of choice either.

When girls her age were gushing over Tom Cruise and Hrithik Roshan, she found Meg Ryan and Deepika Padukone too cute to be true and was gaga over Meryl Streep.

Her first crush had been her English teacher… the way she walked, wore her hanju and her fragrance…. Miss Anju Shrestha, was the reason Kriti attended school.

Her proposal was met with a stinging slap that hurt till date. Her teacher called her sick and complained to the principal.

Her parents had to shift her out of the prestigious Tashi Namgyal Academy. But in the new school too she landed in trouble when she was caught kissing the Head Girl. Interestingly, the girl promptly blamed Kriti for ‘forcing her’, when the fact was that it was the Head Girl who had begged to be kissed!

Kriti learned to hide her identity till she decided she wouldn’t be society’s Barbie Doll anymore. She was now powerful and independent and financially secure, so she slammed the doors on her haters and moved on.

She was a role model to many like her. Her interview had been read by them, and so she became this diva who spoke for the ones who are always taught to be silent.


Tashi was a hippie at heart, her ideas on spiritualism, love and compassion moved Kriti.

As they lay in each other’s arms, Tashi talked about how her mother had to be admitted in the STNM hospital when she told her that she was sexually inclined towards women.

Kriti thought about her own mother and how she had stood rock solid behind her. She had severed all ties with her father, who disowned her and made half of their relatives boycott the mother-daughter duo.

Now at thirty-three, the value of Kriti’s property was three times than her father’s, and she was respected more than the former judge, who secretly prided in the fact that no one could challenge his daughter inside the court.

That strange duality in her father was something Kriti found to be a reflection of the hypocrisy of society in general.

Kriti’s success was hailed by everyone, even by those relatives who had once turned their fury on her.

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Loneliness in the Digital Mirror

She had withstood every setback valiantly and had fought back; but love made her soft. It made her vulnerable and open to hurt.

Tashi’s wedding was set. Kriti used to love her to the moon and back, and unconditionally. Knowing that insisting on being with her would bring nothing but pain and humiliation to the one she used to love, she decided to let go.

She decided that in the best interests of everyone, especially of Tashi and her ailing mom, she would have to go away. She had connections in Delhi and she was confident to start afresh there and win the odds too.

She explained that to Tashi who heard her halfway through her tears and sobs.

She had Tashi er not to see her off, for that would make her weak and that was the most difficult emotion she felt.

Tashi on her part, thought that if that was what Kriti wanted, then she wouldn’t stop her.

They had hugged each other and kissed for the last time and said “I love you.”


Presently, Kriti heard the announcement in her name for the “last and final boarding call”. That means they must have been calling her name out for a long time, she realised. She hurriedly paid for her coffee and only then she suddenly realised that she had been crying.

She quickly shielded her eyes with her shades and walked out of the lounge bar-cum-restaurant.

“Hey Kriti, I couldn’t stop myself. I came to say goodbye,” said Tashi. There she stood at Boarding Gate No 4, sporting her sexy Wolf-cut hair, stark red sneakers and a contrasting light blue jumpsuit. Kriti ran into her arms. She hugged her tightly, and it felt so warm, so good, so true!

Tashi reached out her hand and arranged Kriti’s hair behind her left ear. The usher at the gate asked them to go fast. And that is when Tashi drew in her breath and whispered softly: “Babe, I am flying with you.”

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