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Love That Was Never Meant to Be

Love That Was Never Meant to Be

Trinity Rai
love that was never meant to be

A heart-wrenching story of unrequited love, self-reflection, and the bittersweet acceptance of a one-sided relationship.

The door slammed right in his face, and he cringed—not at the possibility of being physically hurt, but at the nagging pain inside his heart.
This emptiness had been gnawing at him for a month, ever since her texts became fewer, her calls more distant. He had always blamed himself for her withdrawal.
“Maybe I was too busy. Maybe I neglected her,” he would tell himself.

As he walked away from her house, the sound of the slamming door echoed in his mind. Distracted, he nearly stumbled into the path of an oncoming bus.
The driver yelled profanities at him as the bus sped away. He stood there, shaken—not by how close he had come to death, but by the searing pain of knowing he had lost her for real.

He had tried everything to win her back: gifts, poetry, little meaningless threats, and more of his genuine tears and desperate pleas.
It had all been in vain.

He kept walking until he reached the café where they had first met. Ordering a cappuccino, he sat down and thought of the day she had walked in wearing a pink sweater and blue jeans.
She was kind of cute, but he hadn’t been drawn to her until their fifth date, when he fell for her innocence and her childlike ways.

Now, he was hopelessly in love with her, but she had never felt the same for him. He realized he had signed his own emotional death warrant by loving someone who didn’t love him back.

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He sipped his coffee, staring outside, where a happy young couple strolled by, arm in arm.
He pictured himself with her and sighed. Deep down, he knew she wasn’t to blame. She hadn’t hurt him intentionally. It was he who had loved her with all his heart, and it wasn’t her fault that she couldn’t return that love with the same intensity.

Sometimes, love stories are one-sided. It hurts—oh, it hurts so much—but some things have to end because they were never meant to be.

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