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Ipsita Biswas and Her Fascinating Adventures

Ipsita Biswas and Her Fascinating Adventures

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Ipsita Biswas

Discover the inspiring journey of Ipsita Biswas, known as Ipsi Tripsi, who transformed her dreams into reality. From learning to ride a bike on her own to embarking on adventurous trips across India, her story is a testament to determination, self-reliance, and passion.

Stories can spring from a variety of sources. It could be from a pet cat lounging in the sun, a cluttered desk, or even a fleeting car. Similarly, the story behind this article is a YouTube video I stumbled upon recently. I was scrolling through the app when a video titledKolkata to Kanyakumari Solo Bike Trip with Avenger 160caught my eye. As I watched the series, my curiosity piqued. I contacted her and found her story to be a remarkable journey of determination, self-reliance, and the pursuit of passion. I realized this is surely a tale to share. So here it is, the tale of Ipsita Biswas, popularly known as Ipsi Tripsi.

Ipsita Biswas popularly known as Ipsi Tripsi
Ipsita Biswas popularly known as Ipsi Tripsi

It all began a few years earlier….

“Baba, will you buy me a camera?Ipsita requested.

Her father refused and said,One should use their own money for their passions.This lesson, though harsh, became a cornerstone of Ipsita’s approach to life. She realized that if she wanted something, she had to earn it herself. It was then that she started to take her career as a nurse seriously.

Interestingly, the journey into nursing was not straightforward. Her mother, a nurse herself, hoped Ipsita would follow in her footsteps. However, Ipsita Biswas had other dreams. She wanted to roam the world, driven by her wanderlust. So she took up the Arts stream to avoid a nursing career. But when she passed her entrance exam for nursing, she found herself with no other option but to join the profession. This choice, initially seen as a compromise, turned out to be a pivotal moment in her life. The discipline and financial stability nursing provided became crucial in her pursuit of other passions.

Our Ipsi Tripsi in another role -Nurse
Our Ipsi Tripsi in another role – as a Nurse!

On another occasion, Ipsita approached her elder brother and said,Dada, will you teach me how to ride?”

“This is a bike, not a toy,her brother teasingly replied. Ipsita was sad but not discouraged; rather, her determination only grew stronger.

Ipsita is a friendly lady and often gets involved in discussions with people she meets. One day, during one such discussion, she expressed,I want to buy a Scooty.”

“How much will it cost you?the man asked curiously.

“I think around a lakh,Ipsita replied.

“Why don’t you buy a bike instead? It will cost you just a few thousand more,the man suggested.

“Why do you suggest?”

“Well, it is faster, safer, and more fuel-efficient,the man explained.

Inspired by this advice, a few days later, Ipsita went to the showroom with her savings and found that she needed another twenty thousand to buy the bike. Ipsita saved diligently and eventually bought an Avenger 160.

Ipsita with her Avenger 160
Ipsita with her Avenger 160

Learning to ride her new bike was a challenge Ipsita faced head-on. After returning home with her new bike, she requested her neighbor to teach her. But that day was his wife’s birthday, so he was too busy to help. Unfazed, Ipsita decided to teach herself. Despite falling three times, she persevered and finally rode her bike home. A milestone was achieved. Riding the bike in the neighborhood is one thing, but riding it on the roads is a different ball game altogether, which she was not comfortable with until then. That moment came during lockdown.

Ipsita on the way to Ladakh
Ipsita on the way to Ladakh

During the Covid pandemic, one fine day, the transportation provided by the hospital was stopped. Her hospital was about 18 kilometers from her house. One day, she gathered the courage to ride her bike to work. Soon, her determination and resilience paid off, and she became proficient in riding.

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That too has passed

On rehing Kardungla
On rehing Kardungla

One day, she decided to go for a long ride. She met a group of bikers and found them videographing their journey. Ipsita found this idea fascinating and decided to start her YouTube channel. She joined the Kolkata Riders Club, where she honed her skills further and learned the intricacies of riding on national highways when she joined them on various journeys. The club became a community where she found like-minded individuals who shared her love for biking and adventure.

Ipsita Biswas at Ladakh

Life was good for Ipsita. She used to work, and on off days, she used to ride with other fellow bikers. Then came a day when Ipsita decided to take her dream ride, a ride to Ladakh. But the immediate challenge was to get leave from the hospital. After some thought, she drafted an application describing the reason for her request. She was almost certain that she would not be allowed to take leave for a ride to Ladakh. But she was wrong; the hospital did give her leave. Finally, the day arrived when she started her journey to Ladakh along with her fellow bikers. But the journey was not smooth for her; why don’t you see for yourself what challenges she faced during this ride in her videos… 

Watch Ipsita’s Journey to Ladakh

After the successful completion of her Ladakh ride, Ipsita continues her passion. Her latest adventure was a solo trip to Kanyakumari. I am sharing the videos for my readers.  

Watch Ipsita’s Solo Trip to Kanyakumari

Ipsita Biswas, through her travels and experiences, continues to inspire many. Her story is not just about biking but about embracing life’s challenges with courage and creating a path that is uniquely one’s own.

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