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Ek Desh Hay fills me with pride before the American

Ek Desh Hay fills me with pride before the American

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Explore a chance encounter between the author and an Italian-American on the streets of Kolkata, where a shared appreciation for Indian culture and music leads to a heartfelt connection as the author shares the song ‘Ek Desh Hay’.

‘Ek Desh Hay,’ the latest composition by Bikram Ghosh, made me positively chuffed today in front of an American chap. It all kicked off while I was ambling down Southern Avenue. As I turned onto Sarat Bose Road, I heard a voice.

“Dada, achcha kochuri kothay khate pabo?”

Now, hearing this peculiar language spoken in an even quirkier accent, I turned around, and to my astonishment, there stood a foreigner. By the look of him, I pegged him as Italian.

“Keep going straight, and in about 500 yards, you’ll find Maharaja. Not an actual king, mind you, but the shop might just be the answer to your quest.”

“Your English is very good,” remarked the stranger.

Taken aback by his American twang, I was momentarily puzzled about his origins. But his features made me confident enough to say, “And yours, I’m sure, is American, despite being Italian.”

“You got me, my friend. I’m an Italian-American. My forefathers migrated way back in 1769,” he clarified.

“I see,” I continued, “so, you’re capturing my country on film, I take it?”

“Yes, I’ve been in India for the past month,” he informed me.

“Pardon my nosiness, but why India?”

“Well, you have so many cultures, languages, and all sorts of food. I simply adore this place.”

Pleased as punch by his words, I responded, “Well, that’s India for you, my friend—a place where different cultures, religions, and languages are united by a common love for our motherland.”

He smiled and said, “That’s exactly why I’m in India, for my YouTube channel.”

“If you want to know more about my country, let me share a video with you. It’s called ‘Ek Desh Hay,’ and it was released recently on the 15th of August.” With that, I showed him the video.


“Wow, what a splendid rendition! But I’m afraid I don’t understand the meaning. The tune is quite lovely, though.”

“Well, not that I’m fluent in Hindi—the language of the song—but I can tell you this: it captures the essence of India’s diversity and unity, celebrating our history, traditions, and the spirit of our people.”

“Who composed it? Must be a maestro.”

“Yes, indeed. It was composed by the Maestro Bickram Ghosh and released to celebrate India’s 78th Independence Day.”

“I see. And who are the singers?” the stranger asked.

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“They are Ashish Kulkarni, Subhadeep Chowdhury, Anjana Padmanabhan, and Ananya Pal—all from Indian Idol, a reality show in India.”

“From what I could gather, each vocalist brought their unique style and voice to the song.”

“You seem quite keen on music,” I observed. “Yes, they’ve created a harmonious blend that resonates with the patriotic flavour of the occasion. Their voices weave together to tell a story of love, pride, and dedication to our motherland.”

By this time, we had reached Maharaja. “Here we are, Maharaja at last.”

“Why don’t you join me for breakfast?” he offered.

“Well, I’m more of a fried eggs and bacon on toast kind of bloke,” I replied, making my exit. But then I heard, “My friend, please wait!”

I turned to see the American hurrying towards me, curiosity piqued. As he caught up, he said, “I loved the song. Could you share the link with me?”

I obliged and added, “The song is presented by Eternal Sounds, with lyrics by Sutapa Basu, and the video was directed by Pijush Chakraborty.”

As I continued my stroll, I felt a swell of pride, realising that ‘Ek Desh Hay’ has the power to impress a foreigner who doesn’t even understand our language, yet found the song fabulous. Perhaps it’s because the song isn’t just a melody—it’s a celebration of what it means to be Indian, something that resonates even with those from afar.

Proudly, I muttered to myself, “Jai Hind!”

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