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Universal Tagore – Sumana, Madhumita & Rajlakshmi

Universal Tagore – Sumana, Madhumita & Rajlakshmi

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Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore is not only known for his immortal poetry, musical compositions, and other literary works. He is also known as a revolutionary of his time. His fondness for experimenting with new styles of music can be seen in many of his musical compositions which were inspired by western or folk music.
With this presentation, artists Sumana Banerjee, Madhumita Sarkar and Rajlakshmi Sengupta has made a humble attempt of trying to amalgamate one of Gurudev’s evergreen compositions, “Amaro Porano Jaha Chaye” (Parja: Prem, Taal: Tritaal, Raag: Pilu, Collection: Maayar Khela) with a contemporary Bollywood number, “Zara Zara Behekta Hai”(Film: Rehna Hai Tere Dil Mein, Singer: Bombay Jayashree, Music: Harris Jayaraj, Lyrics: Sameer).
Hope you all enjoy it! 🙏🏼
The creation of this music video would have never been possible without the immense contribution and support of the following:
Music design and production: Sachin
Flute: Sreeram
Video shoot and edit: Anirban Bose
Voice recording: Comfed Studio, New Delhi
Recordist: Sh. Sanjay
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