The 5th Story – Women with Golden Heart…err LIVER!

A letter to the editor showing gratitude to all the females on the occasion of Women’s Day. Read the story of Sudeep Pathak, one of our readers.
It was the 8th of March. The team of ‘East India Story’ was gearing up for the upcoming edition of the magazine. We finalized the articles well in advance to avoid the mad rush, and such was the scenario this week as well. That day the articles and stories lined up for the week were being reviewed and edited. The creative team was busy in a brain storming session for the illustrations. Until this happened.
It was around 11 in the morning when one of our team members suddenly jumped up with great enthusiasm and said “The 5th story”. This instantly raised great curiosity amongst the team and everyone wanted to know what was this all about. We had all the stories lined up so why such a statement. But as he showed the reason, the team realized he had a point. The reason was a letter, a letter written by Mr. Sudeep Pathak.
The letter touched our heart. It was a letter which made us think, a letter which inspired so much that we decided to change the lineup for the week’s edition. It was probably a coincidence that this letter reached us the day we celebrate Women’s Day. While the world speaks about women empowerment, this letter showed us that the world is a better place because of women. So we share this letter with our readers as ‘The 5th Story’.
Hello Friends,
We, mankind, exist because they exist. Ranju, Rakhi, Rangamma, Vedika, Kanika et al are omnipotent and omnipresent – our Shakti, beyond the limit of time and space. Let me explain.
I was living a wonderful life with a lovely family, until the day I received this news which changed my life entirely. The world which was colorful and bright all this while suddenly looked dull and gray and kept off our smile. It was 2019 when I got this medical report, which confirmed a liver failure which was acute. I just had 3 months to go for living donor liver transplantation.
For me a donor was necessitated, and my family was devastated. I was shocked and sad and that situation was making me mad. I had no hope but still was looking for one scope. It was then when one person came forward and kept me going. It was she who kept beckoning, to move on and fight. It was Kanika my beloved wife, who saved my life.
We went to Hyderabad for the operation; AIG Hospital was our new destination. It was here that we met a few more patients, who also needed liver replacements. Interesting enough, it wasthere I saw, all the donors were female to whom I bow, for giving us a second chance in life and for whom we still survive in this mortal world. Let me tell you about these ladies now.

Rangamma was a very simple lady from a village. But her grit to save her son-in-law’s life is worth mentioning here. She saved him by donating her liver to keep him alive. Mothers are not one but there are many who constantly shower us with their love and blessings. Big bow to Rangamma!
Rakhi Dutta was a college going girl of 19 when she came forward to save her ailing father. Without an iota of concern for the scars and the pain involved, she donated 65% of her liver to her father. Rakhi you have shown the world what daughters can do. I salute you!
Ranju Singh was a girl next door. She was a soft spoken lady with iron determination to save her brother and the family. She had done something which all sisters would do on Rakhi –that is protecting her brother. She donated him her liver. Ranju you have shown us the true meaning of Raksha Bandhan.

Vedika, another angel, who was all smiles even though we all were worried about the outcome of her mother’s surgery. She was a girl with exceptional will power and stamina. She is happily married now and showering her love and care on all in the extended family. Vedika, people like you make the world looks a better place!
Kanika, my wife and mother of two school going daughters, came forward and donated 65% of her liver to save my life, without any fear of undergoing 18 hours long surgery and unbearable pain, even after having undergone cesarean twice in the past. Kanika my beloved wife, you are the reason the stories of Love are still alive.
I have seen that even after giving second lives to us, these wonderful ladies are quite indifferent, away from any limelight, carrying out a daily routine, sharing love, care and kindness to all around them, with a smile on their face. My humble gratitude and Big Salute to such brave Women with Golden Hearts!
“Strong women don’t have ‘attitudes’, we have standards.” –Marilyn Monroe
Sudeep Pathak
Grateful to eastindiastory com to publish this true story that has changed my life.
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