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Putting Nature’s Bounty on the Walls

Putting Nature’s Bounty on the Walls

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Salonika Meatle
Tropical Harmony
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Artist, Pranic healer and businesswoman Salonika Meattle Aggarwal has created a bounty of exquisite botanical studies to heal our souls

By Ritika Kochhar

What is the role of plants in our lives? Over the past few years, we’ve been told that plants give us oxygen and allow us to breathe and it’s even been proven that certain plants purify the air better. For those of us that follow bach remedies and essential oils, we know that different flowers have healing properties.

"Tropical Paradise"
“Tropical Paradise” – Acrylic on Canvas – This painting focuses on bringing joy, positive energy and healing properties to the space. The humming bird and red salvia both have healing properties associated with them. Bamboo represents longevity, health, fertility and strength

This is because it is believed that everything in nature has a frequency at which they vibrate, and we can heal ourselves by understanding our frequency or vibration; or at least uplift ourselves by surrounding ourselves with high frequencies. This is often why it de-stresses us to walk among flowers and plants – because they vibrate to a higher frequency. This is also why pilgrimage spots are usually located amongst water or nature and why so many festivals are celebrated with flowers – because flowers have a high frequency that connects us to love, forgiveness, compassion, peace, bliss, joy, natural food, sunshine, the moon, happy thoughts, nature. Lavender, for example, vibrates at 118 MHz and Sandalwood at 96 MHz. Peppermint is 78 MHz. Roses ofcourse vibrate at the highest frequency known, which is why they are given as a sign of love. These are all high numbers considering the body vibrates at around 62-68 MHz usually unless there is something that lowers its frequency like illness or sadness.

"Full Bloom"
“Full Bloom” – Acrylic on Canvas – Amidst the thick foliage, the bright colors of full bloom of the hydrangeas and the hyacinths represent playfulness and heartfelt emotions. They radiate abundance and invoke feelings of gratitude, grace, beauty and magic

This is something pranic healer and businesswoman Salonika Meattle Aggarwal has brought to her first solo show, Nature’s Mystique. Aggarwal’s fathers’ office – the Paharpur Business Centre in Delhi, has long been a case study for environmentalists because of its usage of plants to create mind and health wellness. Aggarwal learned to cherish flora and fauna from her father and believes that plants, ‘Not only bring a feeling of warmth to the home but also usher in healthy air for the lungs to breathe easy.’

"Valley of Flowers"
“Valley of Flowers” – Acrylic on Canvas – Inspired by the valley of flowers, the artist has incorporated many flowers from a spring day in full bloom in this work. Hope, positivity, prosperity and health are front and centre in this painting

Aggarwal’s works in this show are filled with flowers and animals that are known as symbols of various things like health, good fortune, and longevity. All her exquisitely detailed botanical studies are filled with thickly populated greenvistas because green has always been a symbol of nature, health, good fortune, and longevity. There are also generously large palms, sumptuous bright flowers, shining bright perennials perched against a pristine blue sky, and other extremely realistic plants and animals that are symbols of luck and fate. These include Bamboo which represents longevity, health, fertility, and strength, Birds of Paradise that promise togetherness, Peace lily that brings in prosperity, Hyacinth which is the flower of the Sun God Apollo and symbolizes peace and tranquillity and Red Salvia that ensures wisdom and good health. Birds like the hummingbird that have healing properties associated with them peek through the foliage.

“Serendipity” – Acrylic on Canvas – A mix of wild foliage and delicate flowers brings this jamboree to life. The hummingbird brings prosperity and good luck and a sense of joy and freedom. And the green parrot brings love and good luck.

Another painting has love and luck at the heart of the painting. The various elements used from the squirrel to the tiny ladybug, all symbolize an abundance of luck and good fortune. The orchids, pansies, and Nargis also embody love, sensuality, and luck.

Aggarwal believes that her energies as a pranic healer instill positive chi into people’s lives through her paintings. That these paintings usher in positivity, hope, and new beginnings and the plethora of blooming flowers bring good fortune, positivity, and warmth.

I still believe that being amongst real flowers and trees is better for us humans, but Aggarwal’s beautifully realistic paintings are the next best thing.

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Nature’s Mystique by Salonika Meattle Aggarwal, a first solo art show at Bikaner House, New Delhi from 23rd to 31st March

Insta handle: @artbysalonika

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