History of 15th June- Assyrians and Acceptance

A devoted foodie with keen interest in wild life, music,…
The History of 15th June includes the Ford Motor Company’s production of its 10 millionth car, in 1924, the recording of a solar eclipse by the Assyrians on June 15th, 763 BC, and the acceptance of the British plan for the partition of India on June 15th, 1947.
Welcome to the history of 15th June. This is the 166th day of the year. Did you know that on this day in 1924, the 10 millionth car was manufactured by the Ford Motor Company? It was a Model T Ford and was driven across the US to promote the company.
With this I begin my first story from the history of 15th June.
The Solar Eclipse which fixed the chronology of Mesopotamia
History of 15th June 763 BC.
What we know today as Iraq was once the home to an ancient clan known as The Assyrians. The Assyrians are renowned for their advancements in various fields, one such was astronomy. It was on the 15th of June 763 when they recorded the occurrence of a solar eclipse. This particular solar eclipse would later prove instrumental in fixing the chronology of Mesopotamian history.
The Assyrians were meticulous record keepers, and their observations of celestial events played a crucial role in their understanding of the world around them. Solar eclipses, in particular, held great significance to ancient civilizations as they were often seen as celestial omens or messages from the gods. The Assyrians recognized the importance of accurately documenting these events, which allowed them to establish a framework for dating historical events.
By recording the solar eclipse on June 15th, 763 BC, the Assyrians provided future scholars with a valuable point of reference. The precise details of the eclipse, such as the date, time, and duration, enabled later researchers to correlate it with other historical events and align the chronology of Mesopotamian history. This information proved essential in understanding the rise and fall of empires, the succession of rulers, and the development of various civilizations in the region.
With this, I come to my second story, the story which I narrate with a sense of deep anger.
The British plan for the partition of India accepted
History 15 June 1947.
It is the day when the so-called leaders of India accepted the British plan to divide our country into two parts – India and Pakistan. People like Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, A. K. Fazlul Huq, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, etc won and India lost.
While these leaders openly propagated hate, leaders from Congress like Jawaharlal Neheru, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi accepted this hate and also accepted the British proposal of partition, and that too in the name of religion. What a shame. I wish Subash Chandra Bose was present then. Many argue that it was the British who believed in divided and rule. I would say these leaders are equally to be blamed for the division.
The idea of partitioning India had been proposed by the British government as a solution to the rising tensions between the Hindu and Muslim communities in the subcontinent. The mounting communal violence, along with the persistent demands for a separate Muslim homeland, had compelled the British to seriously consider the division of the Indian subcontinent.
The British plan, known as the Mountbatten Plan, was put forth by the last Viceroy of India, Lord Louis Mountbatten. It advocated the partition of India into two dominions: one with a Hindu majority (India) and the other with a Muslim majority (Pakistan). The proposal aimed to accommodate the aspirations of both communities, with the hope of preventing further bloodshed and securing a peaceful transfer of power.
The acceptance of the partition plan by the All-India Congress was a significant development. While the Congress had initially opposed the idea of partition, viewing it as a divisive measure, mounting communal violence and the realization that a united India was increasingly untenable compelled them to reconsider their position.
On June 15, 1947, the Congress Working Committee, the highest decision-making body of the All-India Congress, met in New Delhi to discuss the Mountbatten Plan. After much deliberation and recognizing the prevailing circumstances, the Congress reluctantly accepted the proposal for the partition of India.
The decision to accept the partition plan was met with mixed reactions. While many Congress leaders saw it as a necessary compromise to avoid further bloodshed and secure independence, others, including Gandhi, expressed their deep reservations about the division of India along religious lines. Gandhi, known for his staunch belief in Hindu-Muslim unity, called the partition a “vivisection of Mother India” and foresaw the consequences of communal disharmony.
Despite the Congress’s acceptance, the partition of India was met with widespread violence and mass migrations. The announcement of the division triggered communal riots and clashes between Hindus and Muslims, leading to an immense loss of life and property. Millions of people were uprooted from their homes as they migrated to the newly formed nations based on their religious identity.
That is all history, but what is more disgusting is the fact even after 76 years of Independence some continue to spread hate and create communal differences in the society in all three countries.
Jai Hind
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A devoted foodie with keen interest in wild life, music, cinema and travel Somashis has evolved over time . Being an enthusiastic reader he has recently started making occasional contribution to write-ups.
T his is a personal opinion.
The article is poorly researched and conclusions or assertions made is not factual. Comparing Jinnah/Suhrawardy to Savarkar/Shyama P Mukherjee is highly misleading and irresponsible. Further, giving the credit to Gandhi/Nehru for playing the “statesmen” betrays bias in the mind of the writer.
Our history is far more complicated than such binaries. The fundamental issue is the we have not faced, acknowledged and come to terms with our past, which is great and at the same time bloodied with sectarian violence. While I agree with you that the current dispensation is not at its best for our country and it’s social fabric, there has to be a coming together of ideas and solutions to resolve our differences of the past and most importantly and acceptance (not reparations in any kind) of the wrongs of the past. The current generation is not responsible for the crimes of its predecessor but collective acceptance is its responsibility…..a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission “ may be a way forward.
Thank you for sharing your opinion.