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16th April History – The Iron Snake and Newton

16th April History – The Iron Snake and Newton

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16th April History

April 16th History is marked by significant events that have changed the course of history. This date has marked numerous occasions worth remembering. Let’s take a glimpse into the past and explore some of the noteworthy events that have taken place on this day in history.

“Study the past and you define the future.” This quote by Confucius, speaks so little yet defines so much. Civilizations have evolved across time marking significant events along their path. Each day has its own stories and today, I share 16th April History with my readers.

You have heard of the fastest train in India, the Vande Bharat Express which is capable to run at a maximum speed of 180 Km/H. But do you know which is the slowest train in India? It is The Nilgiri Mountain Railway which runs at a speed of 9 Km/H. But this train holds a rather unusual record. It runs between Kallar and Coonoor and is the steepest Mountain Railway in Asia. This railway started its operation in 1908, though the proposal was made in 1854, the year after the first railways started its operation in India. So I share the 16th April history, with my first story …

The birth of the Iron Snake in India

On April 16th, 1853, history was made in India with the first train journey on Indian soil. The train ran from Mumbai (formerly known as Bombay) to Thane, covering a distance of 34 kilometers.

The train, named the “Lion,” was inaugurated by Lord Dalhousie, who was the Governor-General of India at the time. It was an event of amazement for the large crowd of onlookers, who gathered to witness the first-ever steam locomotive in action.

The journey was a significant achievement for India, as it marked the beginning of a new era in transportation. Prior to this, travel in India was mainly by bullock cart, horse-drawn carriages, or on foot. The introduction of the railway system made travel faster, cheaper, and more comfortable and had a significant impact on India’s economy and society.

Today, India has one of the largest railway networks in the world, covering more than 67,000 kilometers and connecting almost every part of the country. The first train journey from Mumbai to Thane remains a landmark event in Indian history and is celebrated every year on April 16th as “Railway Day.”

Well before I proceed to the next event, I would like to share a recent incident in UP where two men Atiq Ahmed and Ashraf Ahmed who were shot dead in Prayagraj. Well looking at so much of violence  everyday around the world reminds me of  a quote “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.” by Sir Isaac Newton, and talking of Newton brings me to my next story…

From Newton to Sir Newton

On the 16th of April, 1705, Queen Anne of England had the honor of knighting Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most prominent scientists and mathematicians in history. Newton was a fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge, and had already made significant contributions to the fields of physics and mathematics.

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Among his many achievements, Newton is best known for his laws of motion and his theory of gravity, which revolutionized the way we understand the universe. His book “Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica” is still considered one of the most important works in the history of science.

Newton’s knighthood was a recognition of his contributions to the intellectual and scientific community, and it marked a turning point in his career. He continued to work on scientific research and experiments throughout the rest of his life, and his legacy continues to influence scientists and mathematicians to this day.

That’s all folks, but before I say goodbye join me in wishing a very happy birthday to Lara Dutta (Miss Universe 2000)and Harish Iyer (equal rights activist).

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